Death Penalty.

In the October 15 News, I saw a front-page article captioned as a "debate" on the death penalty.

Upon reading the article, there was no debate to be had, as the panel and the article summarized only views in varying degrees of opposition to the death penalty. The panelists lamented that 60 percent of voters favor the death penalty; those voters are highly motivated on the subject; and politicians are understandably influenced as a result. The panel's discussion, as reflected in the article, seemed an exercise in virtue signaling and not a genuine exploration and debate of the pros and cons of the death penalty.

As with so many issues in recent years, for example, merit retention, gay marriage, the workers' compensation system, and illegal immigration, The Florida Bar stands in opposition to the political will of both voters and the legislative branch.

The members of The Florida Bar are not philosopher kings and queens, and the Bar's constant meddling in issues best resolved and advanced through democratic processes remains both unseemly and needlessly provocative.

James Lovely



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