Free Speech.

I've been following the series of letters regarding free speech, starting with Mr. Harkins' in the January 1 issue through to Mr. Schneider's in the May 1 issue. As I see it, the essence of the letters is that social issues are a matter of opinion and, therefore, even lawyers are entitled to hold opinions which run counter to the current law, and hey, since they are sincerely held, let's be civil when we disagree.

Implicit in each of the letters is acceptance of the doctrine of the separation of church and state, and consequently, the idea that, in these matters, no unchanging truth exists that can be used to judge them.

The reality is that Obergefell is simply a godless, logical progression from Griswold and Roe v. Wade. And recognizing no moral restraint, additional decisions using the same godless logic will follow.

So long as morality remains just a matter of opinion, judicial decisions will be just that also--opinions.

Raphael (Raph) Hanley

Media, PA

Upon receipt of The Florida Bar News, the writer immediately finds the Letters to the Editor. Reading the opinions of members of the Bar is both educational and encouraging. I do not always agree with the opinions given. I do respect the writer's right to express them, and those opinions do cause me to pause and reflect. My opinion has been altered on some matters because of a clear, articulated argument...

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