Lawyers donate 1.3 million hours of pro bono work.

Florida lawyers provided more than 1.3 million hours of pro bono work last year and contributed $2.5 million to legal aid organizations, according to the new figures gleaned from the Bar's latest dues statements.

"Florida has one of the most aggressive pro bono legal services programs of any state in the nation, encouraging attorneys to provide free services and requiring them to report their contributions on an annual basis," Bar President Tod Aronovitz said. "Despite the misperceptions many people have about lawyers, the truth is that the legal profession is absolutely dedicated to making the law work for everyone, and we want to make a difference in the lives of our community."

The new statistics represent an increase in pro bono services over the previous year, when Florida attorneys provided $1.2 million hours of free service and $2.4 million in direct legal aid contributions.

Aronovitz said the 1.3 million hours of pro bono work amounts to more than $65 million in free services, when calculated according to an estimate of $50 per hour in fees (based on doubling the...

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