Merit retention.

I agree with the opinions expressed by Mr. Davidson and Mr. Cuervo in their June 1 letters to the News. I understand the concern that a vocal section of the population with a one-issue position may force a qualified judge off the bench.

To my knowledge this has only ever occurred twice in any state in the Union--once in California some years ago and more recently in Iowa. Hundreds, if not thousands, of judges serving under merit retention systems have kept their positions for a number of years. While those few instances may be unfortunate, it is not the end of the world for a judge who can still practice law.

I have always been opposed to merit retention on the grounds that some of our appointed judges have not been the most qualified. Instead, they have been popular or politically active lawyers who are well known by the Bar committees that have selected them for appointment. This leaves qualified, but less popular, lawyers with public election as their only route to a...

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