Program aims to provide wellness assistance to judges.

Judges know it's lonely at the top. Over time, isolation can take a toll.

With that occupational hazard in mind, the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges is launching the "Florida Judicial Wellness Program," a confidential resource for jurists who may be feeling overwhelmed.

The program is the brainchild of immediate past conference Chair Scott Bernstein, a veteran 11th Circuit judge. Bernstein said he got the idea after several judicial meltdowns made headlines, one of them involving a close friend.

"I've learned a lot about vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue," Bernstein said. "Although judges like to think that we're super human beings, we're really just humans, and it does take a toll."

Judges face a higher risk of stress disorders because of their unique status, Bernstein said.

"When you get on the bench, you almost have to close down your friendship network with a lot of people because of appearances of impropriety," Bernstein said. "And that cuts off the avenue for even talking about some of the things that are going on in your personal life, or your work life."

Yet judges may be reluctant to seek help because they're public figures who answer to voters, Bernstein said.

Bernstein and Ninth Judicial Circuit Judge Alicia Latimore were part of a 16-member committee that worked on the program for months before announcing it at the FCCJ annual meeting in August. More than 500 judges attended the meeting and the Florida Judicial Wellness Program booth drew heavy traffic, Bernstein said.

Florida Lawyers Assistance, Inc.--the nonprofit that helps lawyers recover from emotional, mental health, and substance abuse issues--is lending a hand, Latimore said, but will remain a separate program.

"We have partnered with FLA, so they are able to provide us with assistance with their resources and their years of expertise," Latimore said.

A judge or a family member can get help by dialing 888-972-4040. The person on the other end of the line could be affiliated with FLA or the Florida Judicial Wellness Program, but it won't matter because callers won't be required to identify themselves, Latimore said.

"He can say, 'Hi, my name is Blue, I need assistance in this area, please contact me at this phone number,'" Latimore said. "The agent for the Florida Lawyers Assistance program is not going to keep any records, the agent for the Florida Judicial Wellness...

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