
Would you like to practice in the desert southwest of Arizona? The Rocky Mountains of Colorado? A cosmopolitan city laced with old Southern charm--Atlanta? You can but you have to take the bar exam if you're from Florida.

Currently 39 states have reciprocity. In 2000, the ABA issued an opinion suggesting that every state adopt reciprocity without conditions (provided one has three years of practice and background checks.) Some states have unconditional reciprocity; others allow Florida lawyers to be admitted on motion if Florida returns the favor.

In the European Union, any lawyer can waive in to another EU nation after practicing three years sans bar exam. Same in Canada, where attorneys can move between provinces without passing another exam.

This past generation witnessed profound changes in communication and social networking that render state boundaries a relic of the 19th century, as law practice goes. Additionally, most families today have two working spouses. When one gets a job in another state, the lawyer spouse often has to take another exam.

Recently, 13 states have adopted the Uniform Bar Examination. Upon passing the exam, she can gain admittance to the other 13 UBE states. The passage of time sees more states...

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