Teach the Children Well.

For all the self-praising talk about teaching the U.S. Constitution to children in our schools, it amazes me at 74 years of age and 31 years in the Bar that we supposedly intelligent individuals haven't seemed to see that the Constitution merely mentions "due process" yet fails to define it in any meaningful or functional way.

So, the people have no idea how our courts work, and that leads to distrust and anger and sometimes violence. If the people of this country are going to support their government, doesn't it make sense that they have some idea how the judicial branch works ... or how it is supposed to work? In my experience, it has not worked very well in many cases where, as the Florida Supreme Court admitted some years ago, when they limited the number of requests for admissions to 30 "because some lawyers were using them to limit issues before trial" (which is what Rule 1.280 says they are for!) that...

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