YLD to study Art. V funding.

The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division's January Governmental Symposium will focus on the impending state takeover of funding for trial courts.

"Imagine going to your courthouse on Thursday, July 1, 2004, only to find that it now closes two days per week as part of a draconian cost reduction program," said YLD Representative John Stewart of Vero Beach, who is chairing the symposium. "Or, you or your client seek the assistance of a court-funded victim assistance program only to find that the court made an across the board 40 percent reduction in its work force as part of another severe cost reduction program."

Stewart said those are some of the ideas floating around as the state prepares to take over as the major funding source for the trial court system.

"Young lawyers have a stake in this debate and should use every opportunity to talk about the issue before its implementation," Stewart said.

That's why the YLD has organized a symposium...

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